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An easy guide to covid-19 vaccination for self-payers: How to get registered and vaccinated in Czechia

Autor: pah - 
11. června 2021

Czech Republic made their vaccines available to self-payers. If you do not have public health insurance in the Czech Republic or the European Union and have been residing in the Czech Republic, you can now register for vaccination against coronavirus.The reservation system will offer vaccination places, where there’ll also be foreign-speaking staff. In this article Blesk will give you some helpful tips, how to get this done easily.

Interested parties can register through the Central Registration System, where a separate application form is at registrace.mzcr.cz/samoplatci. The payment will be done on the spot for the vaccine and the maximum price of one dose including application shall not exceed CZK 810. You will be vaccinated with the COMIRNATY vaccine from Pfizer/BioNTech.

Who can get vaccinated from friday?

A person not insured within the public health insurance system of the Czech Republic can register for vaccination if they are citizen of the Czech Republic or a foreigner (from the EU or third countries) who has long term residence in the Czech Republic for more than 90 days pursuant to the Act on the Residence of Foreign Nationals, and who meets one of these conditions:

  1. has a valid long-term or permanent residency permit in the Czech Republic 
  2. holds a valid long-term visa
  3. is an EU citizen with confirmation of temporary residency or a permanent residency permit in the Czech Republic 
  4. is a family member of an EU citizen with confirmation of temporary residency or a permanent residency permit in the Czech Republic.

How to register?

By registration, you express real interest to get yourself vaccinated. Please visit registrace.mzcr.cz. On the first page, you can see cohorts eligible for a vaccination. Scroll down and insert your phone number and confirm consent to personal data processing. You will receive a PIN after the confirmation, then please insert your PIN, fulfill everything needed, and select vaccination point. 

If you make a typo during the registration, you can correct the mistake here: registrace.mzcr.cz/detail. Registration is only the first phase, and it does not mean that you have a vaccine slot reserved now. If you want to check the occupancy rate of vaccine centers, you can do it here.

Waiting for an SMS reminder

After the registration, you need to wait some time for an SMS reminder including PIN2. Waiting times may differ based on the capacity of the specific vaccination center/vaccination point.


After receiving an SMS reminder including PIN2, you have 42 hours to complete your reservation and no worries, you will be notified a few times during that period. Then insert your health insurance number and PIN2 and you can choose from the available vaccination slot. Please do not forget to confirm your reservation. If you fail to complete your reservation within 42 hours, registration itself stays but your vaccine slot does not. Once the next vaccine slots are available, you will be notified with new SMS including a new PIN2. You have 3 attempts (each 42 hours long) to finish your reservation. Otherwise, your registration will be canceled. This is to prevent system overload with requests of individuals no longer interested in vaccination.

What to bring with you?

You should bring a document to verify your identity, a document to verify your residence permit in the Czech Republic and a payment card or cash (some vaccination centers only accept payment by card).

Where can you get vaccinated?

In each region, at least one vaccination site will be designated for this population group. There will be six of them in Prague: O2 universum, Fakultní nemocnice Bulovka, Fakultní Thomayerova nemocnice, Všeobecná fakultní nemocnice, Fakultní nemocnice Královské Vinohrady, and Nemocnice na Homolce.

  • Central Bohemian Region – Nemocnice Benešov, Nemocnice Mladá Boleslav
  • South Bohemian Region – Nemocnice České Budějovice
  • Plzeň Region – Fakultní nemocnice Plzeň
  • Karlovy Vary Region – Karlovarská krajská nemocnice
  • Ústí nad Labem Region – Masarykova nemocnice v Ústí and Labem
  • Liberec Region – Krajská nemocnice Liberec
  • Hradec Králové Region – Fakultní nemocnice Hradec Králové
  • Pardubice Region – Pardubická nemocnice
  • Vysočina Region – Nemocnice Jihlava
  • South Moravian Region – Fakultní nemocnice u sv. Anny, Fakultní nemocnice Brno
  • Olomouc Region – Fakultní nemocnice Olomouc
  • Zlín Region – Nemocnice Tomáše Bati
  • Moravian-Silesian Region – Fakultní nemocnice Ostrava

When and how can you get EU Covid-19 certificate? 

You can collect the certificate immediately after vaccination at the Citizen Vaccination Portal - https://ocko.uzis.cz.

If you need more information don't hesitate to call 1221 or email at covid-podpora@nakit.cz.

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